Juice as a Healer ~ World Food and Drink

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Juice as a Healer

Juice as a Healer
As we know that the experts have agreed that the number one cause of most diseases is the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. Whereas vitamins and minerals are so abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables around us. But most of us are very hard to eat fruit and vegetables as much as we need. If you are willing or have time to munch a bag of carrots or a bag of spinach a day, then this article is not for you.

Normal Walker (1886 - 1985), the writer's Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juice, can reach the age of nearly 100 years to practice what he preaches: "The lack of certain elements, such as organic vitamins, from our diet is a major cause of almost every disease," as mentioned in one of his writings.

All cells in the body depend on proper nutrition. Without this nutrient, such cells can not function. To maintain these cells, the food you eat should be digested properly.
To get the greatest benefits of vegetables and fruits, eat fresh. Fresh food that allows the enzyme to work at full strength, thus providing a direct boost to the body's metabolic system.

Why should Juice?

The science community do not know how many vitamins and minerals that we need to be healthy. But experts agree that there mikor-nutrients whose functions are still misteriius. Substances were found in small quantities in all the food fresh.

For example, experts have also learn the benefits of carrots, which contain beta-carotene and vitamin A in large quantities. Scientists have managed to extract these magical ingredients into pills that are ready swallow, which they can maintain heart health and prevent cancer.

But the carrot has other benefits aside from beta-carotene and vitamin A. There are other substances called carotenoids, which you do not find in vitamin pills. You can only find it from a fresh carrot.

But most of us are very lazy to eat fresh fruit or vegetables directly, because it takes much longer to digest fruits and vegetables whole. Juice quickly and efficiently absorbed by the body-sometimes within a few minutes after consumption.

So many properties and benefits of various types of fruits and vegetables fresh and each has different healing properties. Vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates that are found in different concentrations, work on the organs and certain diseases.

For example, apple juice with the meat helps to reduce acid crystals that accumulate in the joints become arthritic pain relief. Fennel removes heartburn and watermelon juice can cure colic.

Another benefit, juice help you lose weight and maintain weight loss. Tomato juice can eliminate the addiction to junk food, and sweetened fruit juices will eliminate addiction kuke, cookies, and candies.

Besides fresh fruits and vegetables have high fiber content, which in terms of nutrition called "roughage". The most important function in the channel penceraan is to encourage the movement of food through the intestines. Insoluble fiber can bind cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract that is not absorbed by the body. Soluble fiber cleans the intestines.

However, because the "juicer" filter out most of the fibers, thus resulting in only liquids only then to get khasit full of vegetables or fruit, take the majority of these fibers and return to your drink. Or use as a mixture to cook a cake or other food. Use to make bread or kur rich in fiber and delicious.
Still related to the previous topic: Juice as a Healer, this time we convey juice recipes for people with Diabetes.

Cabbage, lettuce and celery contain sulfur compounds that balances blood sugar levels. Cabbage, in particular, seems to affect the absorption of dextrose.
Surprisingly, long bean juice that is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin A seems to help restore the liver, spleen and pancreas that secrete digestive enzymes and insulin. The recipe is as follows:
(Serves 1)

handful of parsley
2 stalks celery
2 Carrots
2 garlic Item
12 Nuts length
1 cup ice
Tabasco (in addition)
Blend all ingredients and drink.

Hopefully what I write below is very useful.


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